
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Keep Mice Out of an RV?

How to Keep Mice Out of an RV?

If you love your RV, it is really frustrating to learn that mice have gotten inside. Mice can make a big mess and damage expensive wiring. But don’t worry! There are things you can do to keep mice out of your RV so you can enjoy being on the road.

In this article, we’ll look at some simple steps that you can take before and after hitting the road in order to ensure that mice stay out of your recreational vehicle.

These tips will help keep rodents away from your RV so you can enjoy travelling without worry!

Try sealing off potential entry points around windows and doors, and provide effective solutions for when they do find their way inside.

How to Keep Mice Out of RV?

  1. Inspect Your RV: Before you even set out on the road, be sure to inspect your RV for any signs of mice or other rodents. Look for small droppings, gnawing marks, and nests. If you find evidence of mice, it’s time to take steps to keep them away from your vehicle.
  2. Seal All Openings: Mice can fit into incredibly tiny openings, so be sure to seal off any potential entry points with steel wool or another material that is strong enough to keep them out. This includes around windows and doors, as well as vents and underneath your RV.
  3. Use Repellents: There are a variety of repellents you can use to keep mice away from your RV. The most effective types contain natural oils or scents that will help ward off rodents while still being safe for humans and pets.
  4. Set Traps: If you already have a mouse problem, setting traps is the quickest way to get rid of them. Be sure to use humane traps that don’t hurt the mouse, and avoid using poisons or dangerous chemicals in your RV.
  5. Keep Your RV Clean: Mice are attracted to food and clutter, so it’s important to keep your RV clean at all times. Make sure all food is properly stored away and disposed of, and vacuum and sweep frequently. [1]

How to Keep Mice Out of RV?

Preventative Measures to Keep Mice Out of Camper

  1. Store Food Properly: Mice are attracted to food sources, so it’s important that all food is properly stored away in sealed containers or the refrigerator. This will help keep mice from getting inside your RV and making a mess of things.
  2. Keep Clutter Away: Clutter such as clothing, towels, and blankets can provide nesting spots for mice. Be sure to keep all of your things organised and in a neat pile away from any potential entry points.
  3. Block Entry Points: If you’re not using an RV cover, be sure to block off any potential entry points with steel wool or another material that is strong enough to keep mice out. This includes around windows, doors, and vents.
  4. Check Before You Set Out: It’s a good idea to check your RV for any signs of mice or other rodents before setting out on the road. Take a look in hard-to-reach places like underneath furniture and behind cabinets for anything suspicious.

Know How Mice Get In

  1. Gaps Around Doors and Windows: Mice can squeeze through incredibly small openings, so be sure to check around windows, doors, and vents for any gaps that need sealing off. Steel wool is a great material for blocking these tiny entry points.
  2. Vents: Vents are one of the most common places for mice to enter. Be sure to check all vents and screen off any openings that are large enough for a mouse to fit through.
  3. Poorly Sealed Exterior: If you’re not using an RV cover, be sure to inspect the exterior of your vehicle for any gaps or weak spots that need to be sealed off. Look around windows, doors, and vents for any potential entry points that need to be blocked off with steel wool or another material.
  4. Other RVs: Mice can easily move from one recreational vehicle to another, so it’s important to inspect your RV often when parked near other campers. Look for signs of droppings or nests, and take steps to keep them away from your vehicle. [1]

Scour the Exterior of Your RV for Possible Entry Points

  1. Check Around Windows and Doors: Take a look around windows and doors for any holes or cracks that need to be sealed off with steel wool. Be sure to inspect the trim, too, as mice can squeeze through incredibly small openings.
  2. Inspect Vents: Make sure all vents are properly sealed off to prevent mice from entering your RV. If you’re not using an RV cover, be sure to check for any holes or cracks around the vent openings.
  3. Look for Gaps and Cracks: Mice can squeeze through incredibly small openings, so it’s important to inspect the exterior of your vehicle for any potential entry points. Look around windows, doors, and vents for any gaps or cracks that need to be sealed off.
  4. Inspect Other RVs: When parked near other campers, take a look around your RV for any signs of mice or nests. Be sure to inspect the exterior of your vehicle for any potential entry points that need to be blocked off with steel wool or another material.

Seal All Holes and Cracks

  1. Use Steel Wool: Mice can squeeze through incredibly small openings, so it’s important to seal off any gaps and cracks with steel wool or another strong material. Be sure to check around windows, doors, and vents for any potential entry points that need to be blocked off.
  2. Seal Around Vents: Make sure all vents are properly sealed off to prevent mice from entering your RV. If you’re not using an RV cover, be sure to check for any holes or cracks around the vent openings and seal them off with steel wool.
  3. Look in Hard-to-Reach Places: Take a look in hard-to-reach places like underneath furniture and behind cabinets for any potential entry points that need to be blocked off.
  4. Check Regularly: It’s a good idea to check your RV for any signs of mice or other rodents often, so be sure to inspect the exterior of your vehicle for any gaps or weak spots that need to be sealed off. If you find any, use steel wool or another material to block off the entry points.

Seal All Holes and Cracks

Use Mouse Deterrents

  1. Peppermint Oil: Mice are highly sensitive to the scent of peppermint oil, so it’s a great natural deterrent for keeping them away from your RV. Place a few drops of peppermint oil around windows and doors, as well as in any cabinet or closet that might be accessible to mice.
  2. Traps: Traps can be an effective way to catch mice that have already made their way inside your recreational vehicle. Be sure to place traps in any area where you’ve seen evidence of mice droppings or nests, and check them regularly.
  3. Ultrasonic Devices: Some ultrasonic devices have been shown to be effective at keeping mice away. These devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are inaudible to humans, but can be quite disturbing to small rodents.
  4. Predator Urine: You can find predator urine like fox or coyote urine at most sporting goods stores. Spraying this around the exterior of your RV can help keep mice away, as they will think a predator is nearby. Be sure to spray in any area where you’ve seen evidence of mice droppings or nests.

“Burn” All Bridges

  1. Keep Food Containers Sealed: To avoid attracting mice, be sure to keep all food containers and garbage sealed tightly. Place any opened packages in airtight containers or bags and store them in cabinets or drawers that are out of reach of rodents.
  2. Clean Regularly: Be sure to clean your RV regularly by vacuuming and wiping down surfaces. Mice are attracted to food crumbs, so cleaning up any messes is a good way to discourage them from entering your vehicle.
  3. Eliminate Water Sources: Be sure to fix any leaks or drips that could provide a source of water for mice inside your RV. If you’re parked near a water source, make sure to cut off the supply by shutting off any valves or taps.
  4. Keep Outdoor Areas Clean: Be sure to keep outdoor areas around your RV free of clutter and debris. This will help discourage mice from entering your vehicle by providing them with potential hiding places and sources of food.

Use Lights Under/Around the RV at Night

  1. Motion Sensor Lights: Installing motion sensor lights around your RV can be a great way to keep mice away at night. The lights will switch on when they detect any movement, scaring away any potential intruders.
  2. String Lights: Another option is to install string lights underneath or around your RV at night. This will provide a bright, illuminating light that will deter mice and other rodents from entering your vehicle.
  3. Lanterns: If you’re camping in the wilderness, consider placing lanterns around your RV at night. This will help keep unwanted visitors away by providing an extra layer of light and making them feel exposed. [2]

Use Sheet Metal Rings Around Tires and Jacks

  1. Sheet Metal Rings: Installing sheet metal rings around tires and jacks can be a great way to keep mice away from your RV. The small openings in the rings will make it difficult for rodents to gain access to the vehicle and the bright, reflective surface of the rings will help deter them.
  2. Seal Cracks and Gaps: Be sure to inspect the underside of your RV for any cracks or gaps that could provide a potential entry point for mice. You can use caulk or steel wool to seal off these areas and make it even more difficult for rodents to get inside.
  3. Use Pest Repellents: Spraying pest repellent around the exterior of your RV can help keep mice away. Be sure to reapply the repellent every few weeks to ensure it’s still effective. [2]

Keep Your RV Clean

  1. Vacuum Your RV Regularly: Be sure to vacuum your RV regularly to remove any food crumbs or debris that could attract mice. This will help keep your vehicle clean and make it less appealing for rodents.
  2. Clean Up Spills Quickly: Be sure to clean up any spills and messes as soon as they occur. This will help reduce the chances of attracting mice and other rodents into your RV.
  3. Store Food Properly: Be sure to store any food items in airtight containers or bags when not in use. This will help keep them out of reach from mice and other pests.
  4. Dispose Trash Properly: Be sure to dispose of all food waste and trash properly. This will help keep your RV clean and free of any potential attractants for rodents.

Keep Your RV Clean

Dealing With Mice Inside The RV

  1. Use Traps: If you’ve spotted any mice inside your RV, consider using traps to catch them. Be sure to place the traps in areas where you’ve seen or suspected the mice to be and check them daily for any catches.
  2. Use Repellents: You can also use pest repellents to keep mice away from your RV. Be sure to spray the repellent in any areas where you’ve seen or suspected the mice to be and reapply it every few weeks for maximum effectiveness.
  3. Call a Professional: If all else fails, consider calling a professional pest control service to help get rid of any mice in your RV. This way, you can ensure that the problem will be taken care of quickly and effectively.

No-Kill Mouse Traps

  1. Humane Mouse Traps: If you’d prefer not to kill any mice that have made their way into your RV, consider using humane mouse traps instead. These traps will catch the mice without harming them and can be released in a safe place away from your vehicle.
  2. Repellents: You can also use repellents to keep mice away from your RV. Be sure to spray the repellent in any areas where you’ve seen or suspected the mice to be and reapply it every few weeks for maximum effectiveness.
  3. Cover Entry Points: Finally, be sure to inspect your RV for any potential entry points that could provide access for mice. Use caulk or steel wool to cover any cracks or gaps and make it even more difficult for rodents to gain entry.

Kill Mouse Traps

  1. Snap Traps: If you’d prefer to use kill mouse traps instead of humane ones, consider using snap traps. These traps are designed to quickly and effectively catch and kill any mice that have made their way into your RV.
  2. Glue Boards: You can also use glue boards to catch and kill any unwanted rodents in your RV. Be sure to place the boards in areas where you’ve seen or suspected the mice to be and check them regularly for any catches.
  3. Poison: Finally, if all else fails, consider using poison to get rid of any mice. Be sure to use caution when handling poison and always follow the instructions on the package to ensure safety.

Banish Mice in Your RV For Good

By following the tips outlined above, you can effectively keep mice out of your RV and ensure that they remain out for good.

Be sure to inspect your vehicle regularly and take preventive measures such as sealing off any entry points or using repellents to keep the rodents away.

If all else fails, consider calling in a professional pest control service to get rid of any unwanted rodents. With a little effort and diligence, you can keep your RV mouse-free for good.

Tips Proper Care for Storing Your RV

  1. Clean & Dry: Be sure to thoroughly clean and dry your RV before storing it for any length of time. This will help keep out any unwanted pests such as mice from making their way into the vehicle during this period.
  2. Use Repellents: Consider spraying some pest repellent inside your RV before storing it. This way, any potential mice that enter the vehicle will be deterred from staying and taking up residence.
  3. Cover Entry Points: Make sure to inspect your RV for any potential entry points or cracks and cover them with caulk or steel wool. This will help make it even more difficult for rodents to gain access to your vehicle while it’s in storage.

Tips Proper Care for Storing Your RV


How do I mouse-proof my RV?

The best way to mouse-proof your RV is to inspect it regularly for any potential entry points or cracks and cover them with caulk or steel wool.

You can also use pest repellents in areas where you’ve seen or suspected the mice to be and call a professional pest control service if necessary.

How do I get rid of mice in my RV?

You can use humane mouse traps or kill traps such as snap traps or glue boards to catch and get rid of any mice in your RV.

Alternatively, you can use poison if all else fails but be sure to handle it with caution and follow the instructions on the package for safety.

What can I use to keep mice away from my RV?

You can use repellents such as peppermint oil or ammonia to keep mice away from your RV. Be sure to spray the repellent in areas where you’ve seen or suspected the mice and reapply every few weeks for maximum effectiveness.

What is the best way to store my RV?

The best way to store your RV is to make sure it is thoroughly cleaned and dried before putting it away.

Consider spraying some pest repellents inside your RV before storing it and inspect for any potential entry points or cracks, covering them with caulk or steel wool.

This will help keep out any unwanted pests such as mice from making their way into the vehicle during this period.

Finally, be sure to store your RV in a dry location away from potential nesting sites of rodents so they cannot access it any time soon.

What is the best mouse deterrent for campers?

The best mouse deterrent for campers is a combination of repellents such as peppermint oil and ammonia, physical barriers, and trapping devices.

Be sure to spray the repellent in areas where you’ve seen or suspected the mice and reapply every few weeks for maximum effectiveness.

Additionally, cover any potential entry points or cracks with caulk or steel wool and place humane mouse traps or kill traps such as snap traps or glue boards to catch any rodents that manage to get in.

Finally, store your RV in a dry location away from potential nesting sites of rodents so they cannot access it any time soon.

What is the best mouse trap for RV campers?

RV campers should use humane mouse traps or kill traps, such as snap traps or glue boards. Humane mouse traps are designed to catch mice without harming them so they can be released later.

However, if you want the mice gone for good, use kill traps such as snap traps or glue boards. Put these in areas where you have seen or think you have seen mice. Check them regularly to see if they have caught anything.

What is the best mouse trap for RV campers?

How do I get rid of mice in my travel trailer?

You can use humane mouse traps or kill traps, such as snap traps or glue boards, to get rid of any mice in your travel trailer.

Place these in areas where you have seen or think you have seen mice and check them regularly to see if they have caught anything.

Alternatively, you can use poison if all else fails but be sure to handle it with caution and follow the instructions on the package for safety.

How can I permanently get rid of mice in my RV?

The best way to get rid of mice in your RV is to use a combination of things: pest repellents, physical barriers, trapping devices, and poison if necessary. Check your RV regularly for cracks or holes that mice could use to get in. Cover these up with caulk or steel wool.

You can also put pest repellents around areas where you have seen or think the mice might be. If you need more help, call a professional pest control service. Store your RV in a dry place that is far away from where rodents might live so they can’t get to it again.​

Are mice common in RVs?

Mice are common in RVs, especially if they weren’t stored properly or cleaned and dried before being stored. To prevent mice from entering your RV, make sure there are no cracks or holes around the vehicle.

Cover these up with caulk or steel wool. You can also use repellents such as peppermint oil and ammonia around the RV to deter mice from entering.

Finally, store your RV in a dry place far away from potential nesting sites of rodents so they can’t reach it easily.

Are mice common in RVs?

What can I put around my camper to keep mice out?

To keep mice away from your camper, you can use different things. You can use things that smell bad to them like peppermint oil and ammonia. You can also block any holes or cracks they could come in through with caulk or steel wool.

Another thing you can do is set traps around areas where you have seen them or think they might come in. Change the traps every few weeks. And finally, store your RV in a safe place where mice cannot get to it easily.

Can moth balls keep mice out of an RV?

Moth balls will not stop mice from getting into your RV because the smell does not last very long and is not strong enough to scare them away. Instead, you can use things like peppermint oil and ammonia which have a stronger smell that mice don’t like.

Additionally, you can block any holes or cracks they could come in through with caulk or steel wool, set traps around areas where they may enter, and store your RV in a safe place away from potential nesting sites. Following these steps will help you keep mice out of your RV for good.

What scent will keep mice away?

Mice do not like the smell of peppermint oil, ammonia, or vinegar. You can use these scents to keep mice away from your RV.

For example, you can put a few drops of peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them around areas where you have seen the mice or think they might enter.

You can also put ammonia in a spray bottle and spray it around your RV’s exterior. Finally, you can use vinegar to clean any areas that the mice may have been in contact with.

What should I do if I find a mouse in my RV?

If you find a mouse in your RV, the first thing to do is to remove any food sources they may have access to. This includes pet food, opened cans of vegetables and fruits, and anything else that might be attractive to them.

Then, set traps around areas where you have seen the mice or where you think they may enter.

Clean and dry your RV regularly to discourage them from coming back. Finally, block any holes or cracks that could have been used to get in with caulk or steel wool.

What should I do if I find a mouse in my RV?

Does vinegar keep mice away?

Yes, vinegar can help to keep mice away. The strong smell is something that mice avoid and it will help to repel them from your RV. You can use a solution of water and vinegar in a spray bottle to clean any areas the mouse might have been in contact with.

You can also soak cotton balls in vinegar  and place them around areas where you think they might enter. Additionally, mop your RV’s floors with a vinegar solution to help keep mice away.

Useful Video: How To Keep Mice And Pest Out Of Your RV


Mice are one of the most common pests in the world and they can be a real nuisance, especially if they get into your RV. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to keep them out.

By following these tips, you can rest assured that your RV will be mouse-free. Do you have any other tips for keeping mice out of an RV? Share them with us in the comments below!


  1. https://rvlifestyle.com/keep-mice-out-of-camper/
  2. https://www.thervgeeks.com/how-to-keep-invasive-mice-out-of-your-rv-for-good/