
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

RV Lights Flickering: How to Fix?

RV Lights Flickering: How to Fix?

Are you experiencing flickering lights in your RV? Do they often go on and off, or blink randomly? If so, this could be a sign that something is wrong with your RV’s electrical system. Flickering lights not only ruin the ambiance of your RV but can also be unsafe. If left unchecked, flickering lights can damage your LED bulbs, batteries, and even your RV’s electrical system. This blog post will help you identify the primary causes of flickering lights and provide you with some easy-to-implement solutions.

Why RV Lights Are Essential

Are you planning to hit the road and take a road trip in your RV? If so, it is essential to make sure that your RV is equipped with proper lighting. RV lights help you stay safe while driving your vehicle and provide a comfortable environment inside the RV. Let’s explore why RV lights are so essential and why you must consider investing in quality lights for your motorhome.

Why RV Lights Are Essential


The most important function of RV lights is safety. Proper lighting enables you to see the road and navigate the vehicle, especially while driving at night. There are various types of RV lights, such as headlights, taillights, turn signal lights, and running lights,which play an essential role in ensuring your safety and the safety of others on the road. For instance, your RV’s headlights should always be in working order and be adjusted at the right angle to achieve maximum visibility. [1]

Energy Efficiency

Another reason why RV lights are essential is that they save you energy. RV light designers have come up with several innovative ways to use various energy-efficient lighting options in RVs. These lights consume less energy and provide a brighter light in comparison to fluorescent bulbs. Also, they tend to last longer than conventional bulbs, thus reducing your maintenance costs.

Comfortable Environment

RV lights aren’t all about functionality; they also play an essential role in creating a comfortable environment inside your motorhome. For instance, installing warm-toned LED bulbs in the bed area or evening lamps supports relaxing and “homey” vibes. You can use reading lights to provide adequate lighting to read by or adding dimmer switches lighting to create the right ambiance for quiet nights.


RV lights enhance your vehicle’s overall aesthetic look. The lights add an inventive touch that brightens up the exterior of your RV, making it more outstanding and unique. In contrast, the interior lighting helps to create an ambiance, set the mood, and showcase your style. Adding custom lighting can give your vehicle an attractive and upscale look that sets it apart from the rest.

Personalized Options

RV lights are versatile, so you can choose from several types of styles to fit your preferences and budget. For instance, there are fold-out wall sconces and ceiling-fixture lights to mounted lamps and LED strips. You can also choose the color, material, and brightness of the lights, depending on your preference.

RV lighting serves an essential role beyond visibility and safety; they also improve energy-efficiency, aesthetics, and comfort. Proper lighting improves the overall driving experience, ensuring you and your co-passengers enjoy the full RV experience. Ensure to select high-quality lights that complement your style while considering their functionality. A well-lit and personalized RV creates an inviting and cozy environment that becomes a home on the road. [1]

Personalized Options

The TOP Bulbs For RV Lights

When it comes to outfitting your RV with the right lighting, the bulbs you choose can make all the difference. Whether you’re looking for brighter interior lights, enhanced energy efficiency, or longer bulb lifespan, there are a range of options to consider. In this post, we’ll provide an overview of the top bulbs for RV lights, including LEDs, halogens, fluorescents, incandescents, and xenon bulbs. Here we have listed the benefits and drawbacks of each, and discuss what factors to consider when making your selection.

  1. LED bulbs

They are an increasingly popular option for RV lighting, due to their low heat output, and long lifespan. Because they use 90% less energy if compared to incandescent bulbs, they can help you save on your energy costs, while providing bright, consistent light. LED bulbs are also resistant to vibrations and shock, as a result they are a great option for RVs which may face rough road conditions. In addition, LEDs last up to 60,000 hours, which means you won’t have to replace your bulbs as often. However, they can be pricier than other options, and they may require a special dimmer switch to get the right amount of light. [2]

  1. Halogen bulbs

These ones are famous due to their white and bright light, which is similar to daylight. They’re also small in size, making them a good choice for smaller fixtures in your RV. While they may use less energy than incandescents, halogens are not as energy-efficient as LEDs. They also have a shorter lifespan than LEDs, typically lasting around 2,000 hours. In addition, these bulbs can produce heat in big amounts, which could be an issue in a small space like an RV. However, if you’re looking for a high-intensity, directional light, halogens can be a good fit.

  1. Fluorescent bulbs

These bulbs have been a popular choice for RV lighting for many years, because they have a long lifespan and are energy-efficient. They’re also known for providing a soft, even light throughout a space. However, they may not be as bright as other options, and you have to know that it will take a couple of minutes for them to warm up to their full brightness.

  1. Incandescent bulbs

Incandescents have been a standard lighting option for many years, and they’re still commonly used in RVs. They provide a warm, natural light, and they’re relatively inexpensive compared to other options. However, they’re not very energy-efficient, and they have a relatively short lifespan compared to other bulbs. Additionally, they can produce a lot of heat, which may not be desirable in a small RV space. If you’re on a tight budget and don’t need bright or energy-efficient lighting, incandescents can work well.

  1. Xenon bulbs

Xenon bulbs are similar to halogens, but they use even less energy and last longer. They provide a bright, white light, and they don’t produce as much heat as halogens. They’re also relatively small and easy to install, which makes them a good option for RVs. However, they can be more expensive than other options, and they may not produce as much light as halogens.

Choosing the right bulbs for your RV lighting can help you create a comfortable, efficient, and safe space. When selecting bulbs, consider factors like energy efficiency, brightness, heat output, and lifespan. The top bulb options for RVs include LEDs, halogens, fluorescents, incandescents, and xenon bulbs, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. By understanding the pros and cons of each, you can make an informed decision for your specific RV lighting needs.

Xenon bulbs

RV Lights Flickering: TOP Reasons and Solutions

As an RV owner, one of the issues you may face is flickering lights. This problem is not only annoying, but it can also cause headaches and eye strain. RV lights flickering can also indicate that there are some underlying issues with your electrical system or the lights themselves.

If you’re experiencing this issue, it’s essential to understand the top reasons why it happens and what solutions you can use to fix the problem.

Loose connections

These are probably one of the most common reasons. Loose connections happen when the wiring connections are not secure enough, causing an intermittent connection. This issue can also cause overheating, which can damage the electrical system in the long run. To fix this issue, you can check all the connections and tighten any that are loose using a screwdriver or crimping tool.

Low voltage

If your RV batteries are running low or if there is inadequate power supply, the lights may start flickering. To fix this issue, you need to check your battery connections and ensure that they’re secure. If your batteries are running low, you can recharge them or replace them altogether. [3]

Faulty bulbs

Faulty bulbs may also be a reason for flickering lights. Any damage to the bulb filament causes it to vibrate and flicker, leading to poor lighting. To fix this issue, you need to replace the bulb with a new one. When choosing a new bulb, ensure that it’s of high quality and meets the recommended specifications for your RV.

Damaged Fuse

A damaged or blown fuse can also cause flickering lights. If the circuit overloads, the fuse may blow out and cause the lights to flicker. Check your fuse box or the mainbus panel and replace the blown fuse with a new one. You can also consider installing a fuse with a higher capacity to avoid overloading in the future.

Dirty electrical contacts

The build-up of dirt and grime on your electrical contacts can also cause your RV lights to flicker. If your electrical contacts are dirty, they won’t conduct electricity efficiently, leading to flickering lights. To fix this issue, you can clean the connections using a soft cloth or an electrical contact cleaner.

RV lights flickering can be a frustrating experience, but fortunately, it’s a problem that you can easily fix with proper diagnosis and solutions. The above are the top reasons why your RV lights may be flickering and the solutions you can use to fix them. To ensure that your RV electrical system is always in good shape, it’s essential to perform regular maintenance checks and seek professional help when necessary. By taking care of your RV’s electrical system, you’ll reduce the risks of electrical fires and keep your RV safe and sound.

Dirty electrical contacts

General Maintenance Tips

RV lighting plays a vital role in enhancing the ambiance of your RV. However, as you travel down the roads and highways, your RV lights may start to flicker frequently. This is a common issue RV owners often encounter, and it can be frustrating and inconvenient. Some common reasons why your RV lights flicker include loose wiring, damaged bulbs, or a faulty switch. In this blog, we will discuss some general maintenance tips that can help you troubleshoot and fix this issue.

Tip 1. Check your RV’s wiring

A loose wire can cause your RV lights to flicker frequently. Inspect your RV’s wiring and check to see if there are any loose connections. If you notice any loose wires, use a screwdriver to tighten them. Ensure that the wiring is properly connected and secure. If you are unsure about how to check or fix the wiring, consider consulting a professional mechanic.

Tip 2. Evaluate your RV’s battery

Low voltage levels can also cause your RV lights to flicker. Check your RV’s battery and ensure that it is fully charged. If the battery is not at full capacity, try charging it. If the battery is faulty or damaged, consider replacing it.

Tip 3. Inspect your RV’s bulbs

A damaged or faulty bulb can also cause your RV lights to flicker. Inspect your RV’s bulbs to see if they are damaged or burnt out. If you notice any damage or signs of wear, replace the bulbs with new ones. Also, ensure that the bulbs are properly seated in their sockets.

Tip 4. Check your RV’s switch

A faulty switch can also cause your RV lights to flicker. Inspect the switch and ensure that it is working correctly. If the switch is damaged or faulty, consider replacing it with a new one.

Check your RV's switch

Tip 5. Consider hiring a professional

If you have tried all the tips discussed above, and your RV lights are still flickering, consider hiring a professional mechanic. An expert will have the necessary expertise and tools to help you diagnose and fix any complex issues that may be causing your RV lights to flicker.

RV light flicker can be a frustrating problem, but it’s one that can be fixed with proper maintenance and care. By performing routine inspections and doing some basic troubleshooting, you can minimize the chances of your RV lights flickering. However, if you’re unable to diagnose or fix the problem, consider seeking the assistance of a professional. With the right approach, you can ensure that your RV’s lighting system remains functional and efficient, so you can have a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience.


How do I stop my RV lights from flickering?

  1. Check the battery – A very popular reason why your RV lights may flicker is a failing battery. Poor battery may prevent your lights from receiving a stable supply of power. Therefore, it is essential to check your battery, particularly if your RV lights are flickering when you start your engine. To ensure that your RV’s battery is in the best condition, you should invest in a high-quality and reliable RV battery monitor, which provides an instant report on the charge level and health of your battery. [3]
  2. Replace worn-out bulbs – Worn-out bulbs can also cause your RV lights to flicker, especially when they are past their lifespan. Replace bulbs that are flickering or dimmer than the others with new ones. Use LED bulbs that are more energy-efficient and durable than incandescent bulbs.
  3. Address wiring or grounding issues – Wiring or grounding problems may also cause your electrical system to short-circuit, putting the rest of your RV at risk of damage. Before you replace bulbs, investigate whether wiring or grounding issues could be causing the flickering.
  4. Consult an electrician – If you’ve checked your battery, replaced your bulbs and addressed wiring or grounding issues, but your RV lights still flicker, it’s time to seek help from a professional electrician. An RV technician can help you diagnose the issue and recommend the best solutions for a reliable electrical system.
  5. Use a voltage regulator – This is a device that maintains a stable voltage level in your RV when charging your battery. If your RV has a generator or solar power charging system, a voltage regulator is a vital component that can help control the charging voltage to prevent flickering.

What causes flickering lights in an RV?

Corroded or loose connections are the most popular reason. Given the bumpy nature of RV travel, it’s not uncommon for wires to shake around. Over time, this can cause connections to loosen and contribute to a flickering light problem. Additionally, the high humidity levels in RVs can cause corrosion of the wiring and connections. You can fix loose connections by firmly plugging them back in or tightening the necessary screws. In more severe cases, you may need to replace corroded wiring.

Another possible reason for flickering lights is a weak or dead battery. When the RV battery is not charging or hasn’t been charged enough, it can stress the electrical system in your RV – including your lights – and cause them to flicker. To fix battery issues, make sure your battery is adequately charged at all times when using your RV, and replace dying batteries.

When your RV is pulling too much power from its outlets, it can cause the lights to flicker. Identify which circuits are responsible for your flickering lights and avoid plugging too many appliances and electronics into it. Malfunctioning Converter – A converter converts your RV’s AC power to DC power, which charges your batteries. When it malfunctions, it can cause your RV’s lights to flicker. Check your converter if you notice consistent flickering lights and replace it if necessary.

What causes flickering

Can a bad circuit breaker cause lights to flicker?

A faulty circuit breaker is a really widespread culprit of flickering lights. However, other factors such as loose wiring connections, damaged light fixtures, and overloaded circuits can also cause flickering lights. If you’re not sure about the reason, it’s best to call an electrician. Remember, electrical problems can be dangerous, and it’s never worth risking your safety. With professional help, you can get to the root of the problem and restore your home’s safe and stable electrical system.

Can bad weather cause lights to flicker?

Weather can also be a contributing factor. One approach to prevent flickering lights from weather is to perform regular maintenance, such as checking the battery, keeping wires secured, and inspecting weather seals. Taking proactive measures can limit the risk of electrical issues during bad weather. Ensure to get your RV inspected by experts to find and solve the electrical problems before taking any further steps. We hope this post has helped you recognize the potential causes of flickering lights and provided some tips on prevention and maintenance. Enjoy your travels!

Useful Video: Airstream RV Light Flicker Troubleshooting


Flickering lights can be a safety hazard, and if left unchecked, they can damage sensitive electronics in your RV. Whenever you notice flickering lights in your RV, identify the root cause, and try to fix it. The above five solutions will help you diagnose and fix most flickering problems. However, if you’re not comfortable handling electrical repairs or are unsure of the problem, it’s always best to seek a professional’s help. RV lighting serves an essential role beyond visibility and safety; they also improve energy-efficiency, aesthetics, and comfort. Proper lighting improves the overall driving experience, ensuring you and your co-passengers enjoy the full RV experience. Ensure to select high-quality lights that complement your style while considering their functionality. A well-lit and personalized RV creates an inviting and cozy environment that becomes a home on the road.Regular RV maintenance and electrical system checks will help you detect any issues before they turn into costly fixes. Enjoy your RVing experience with flicker-free lighting!

  1. https://www.mortonsonthemove.com/rv-lights/
  2. https://outdoormiles.com/best-rv-921-bulbs/
  3. https://rvgoer.com/rv-lights-flickering/